The Society for Technological Advancement

Shaping the future through techno-scientific progress

Why Now

Techno-scientific progress encounters a number of barriers in the UK, including excessive bureaucracy, the celebration of prestige over potential, and general pessimism about our ability to positively shape the future through cycles of discovery, invention, and innovation.

The Society for Technological Advancement (SOTA) is a new venture designed to cultivate optimism about techno-scientific development and build capability for it to happen, forming a cross-disciplinary community around this mission.

Our Mission

  1. Redirect exceptional talent towards technological and scientific pursuits.

    We believe more of the world's most talented people should be working on problems that actually matter, rather than chasing the latest trend.

  2. Increase talent density in the UK by building a community of promising scientists and technologists.

    We want the people building the future to know each other, so that they can build it together.

  3. Shift public perception toward viewing technology as a vital driver of human progress.

    We think the world needs a reminder of how far we've come, and a vision of where we could go next.

Our Beliefs

  1. The best way to predict the future is to create it.

    Our future is a direct consequence of our actions. We strive for impact through agency, high conviction and industriousness.

  2. Technology is the extension of human creative intelligent output.

    We value technological progress in its variety as a means to overcome challenges, transcend constraints, and improve our chances of surviving external selection pressures.

  3. Technology is key to human fulfilment.

    We believe fulfilment can be achieved by building and contributing towards techno-scientific progress which benefits us and the whole species.

  4. The best defence is a good offence.

    Our positive attitude towards technology and our ability to use it for good is the best way to overcome those who want to use it for evil.

Our Plans

Science and technology have been promoted and divulged in increasingly hierarchical, siloed and secluded ways. Taking inspiration from the past while keeping an eye on the future, below are SOTA’s planned activities.

  1. SoTA Fellowships

    Exceptionally promising young talent will be supported in their work through a close network of peers and a lasting community, along with funding for ambitious projects outside of their comfort zone.

  2. Lectures

    We will host talks from individuals with unexpected, insightful, and inspiring ideas about solving our current challenges while striving towards the future. These lectures aim to concentrate talent in one space and enable networking and intellectual cross-pollination.

  3. Demonstration Theatres

    Live demonstrations of technological applications and novel scientific ideas. These events will educate and inspire optimistic outlooks about the future to the public.

  4. Hackathons

    Sprints in which talented individuals and teams build a prototype in a short amount of time. These events aim to promote action beyond reflection and ideas, as well as an opportunity for talent to prove itself.

  5. SoTA Letters

    Public letters sent to SOTA on novel concepts, derided theories, or meta-approaches to technological advancement. A select few of the most impressive and exciting will be collated into a periodic publication, SOTA Letters.